
Thumbnail of the map 'Thumpland'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author benny
Tags author:benny dda rated
Created 2007-01-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Just something crazy, hope u like it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Asian Power' Thumbnail of the map 'Interstose' Thumbnail of the map 'Skate_park' Thumbnail of the map 'Aposeth' Thumbnail of the map '9 rooms and a place' Thumbnail of the map 'try this'
Asian Power Interstose Skate_park Aposeth 9 rooms and a place try this


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How the freaking hell did ya do that!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Timed!!!!!!!

That Was Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are wicked man! 4.9/5 ; )


But not that great... Work on the clustering bit, make it longer, and more pizaz. 3.5/5 For People using in debug mode press '1' before playing. Add it to ur summary benny~!

i love it!

how did you do it?