Breakthrough 3

Thumbnail of the map 'Breakthrough 3'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Psycho_CO
Tags author:psycho_co playable race rated
Created 2007-01-22
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description YAY!!!

it has a few little tiny flow flaws, but it still works very well.

i love it.

Other maps by this author

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dirty dutch words OMGWTFLzrPEWPEWlolBBQ slaves to factorization Guass rock Techno-Q i dont want your baby


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What Hyques said. It's a nice idea.

I agree

The trapdoors are original, but really cause the map to be less flowy. 3.5


its a good map though, but it could be better. 3.5

Keep the races

coming :)
Demo Data


I understand the usage of the trap-door one-way glitch, but it slows down the map too much. There are other little things, i guess "tiny flow flaws" that are kind of annoying.
Good map overall though.
Demo Data
but it still works ewll. nice usse of one-ways. 4/5