Comments on "Taste The Rainbow"

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you guys just hurling bad comments, do you actually play the map? or just rate on the thumbnail?

the only bad points i could find were the cluster nd the tunnel, looks a bit nasty, sill i dont rate em down cos of this

Demo Data

all gold collected.

not unique enough to be featured. 3.5 down for looks.
Demo Data
there's always something, then something a little different from that first something right next to it. everything comes in two's
First, the gauss was placed well. The aesthetics were bad in that room, as were the mines. Next, the floorguard was placed well, but the tunnel leading over the mines {which looked terrible} was to bland. Put gold or something. The second gauss was also place terrifically. Those last 2 one-ways were pointless.


not really brilliant in any way. The gameplay is awkward and the map isn't built well. Cerberus has definitely done better.
you guys are just LAME

How is

1307 frames? AGD.

I really liked the map, simple, not too hard, but fun.
Demo Data


Its rather simple. You might wanna remove some mines in the left room, there is no point having them all there, and you could move the floorguard a bit to the left to make it a tad more difficult. Other than that, the level is nice.

Demo Data

so in sort

I agree with Arona_Daal

2nd try agd

To tell you the truth, this level was way easier then I thought it would. Agd was too easy, not much harder then completion. Still fun though. 3.10\5
Demo Data
Boring, generic and too easy

the first room

is n00bish, but i like the column-room. it's nice and innovative. huzzah!! 4/5.


I think this map sucks. Theres no difficulty, it's not very nice looking, and I had very little fun playing it. The gold placement is not appealing, and an AGD is only a little harder than a completion. There were spammed mines, the thwumps looked stupid, the floorguard did NOTHING, the first bounceblock was useless, the guass placement didn't make them very useful either, and the tunnel you start in is pointless. I usually like Cerebus's maps, but this one only gets a 2/5 from me.

Don't get me wrong

The gameplay is nice. The mines on the left just seem a bit cluttered to me.

Why clean it up?

It looks cool.


I demoed on NReality, not as fast as kkstrong, but I'm too lazy to actually try.

4/5 and faved.

I love

how the mines are somewhat spammed and the gold is generically placed. I also love how the tiles look bland.

3. Pretty much what nevermore said.
Re-5ed, I should review this sometime.
Demo Data

Not bad.

A lot of unnecessary stuff here. Clean it up and you've got a pretty good level.