Thumbnail of the map 'DDA for NUFAN'

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Author Esperanto
Tags author:esperanto dda unrated
Created 2007-01-20
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a HOLD LEFT DDA!
This map is for my favourite Band:
No Use For A Name!
Please rate and comment...

P.S.:My second Hold Left DDA :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Press the button' Thumbnail of the map 'easier than it looks' Thumbnail of the map 'Up and down' Thumbnail of the map 'Just that stupid rocket(hold left)' Thumbnail of the map 'Jumping in the Minefield' Thumbnail of the map 'The Pharao'
Press the button easier than it looks Up and down Just that stupid rocket(hold left) Jumping in the Minefield The Pharao


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I mean,

too many Launchpads and gold delay, not thwump wait... That's what i thougt...
sry for double post, but can you edit comments?


That was EXACTLY what I thought, when I finished that DDA... I've got no spelling Problems, Next time, read the discription first, will ya? :D
another Haha: my first one had a better rating :D


Great for a second hold left DDA. At first, when I saw the N, I thought it spelled NUMA. Then there was a U. Then, when I saw the F, I thought you haad spelling problems. Apparently not.

Lay off the launchpads, gold delay, the thwuump wait, and the repitition and this DDA will turn out great. 3.5/5