Big Mother Thumper

Thumbnail of the map 'Big Mother Thumper'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author michealg
Tags author:michealg n-art rated
Created 2007-01-14
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description my first N art. Rate on how much it looks like a thumper.
open in Debug mode.


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tremendous lag if you try to play it

nice looking

i think it looks like a thump but i'm new so you probably don't care

rly good first try

i wont give to much feed back except what you should do with every N Art is make a part of it and then stand 6 paces away from your computer screen and squint your eyes this will give you a better idea as to what it will look like it thumbnail which is how most N Arts are meant to be viewed...

good first try 4.5/5

the blue line

is too thin