Futuristic Bamboo Forest

Thumbnail of the map 'Futuristic Bamboo Forest'

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Author Sendy
Tags author:sendy playable puzzle rated v1.4b
Created 2005-04-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Just an insanely hard level I whipped up. It's doable. Very puzzly with the jumps, and a lot of planning went into it. But maybe it's not a good map, I'm not sure. Next I'll try sthg a bit easier.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '04-1 - factory - Substance 1.0' Thumbnail of the map '04-2 - wall jump frenzy - Substance 1.0' Thumbnail of the map '04-3 - long way round - Substance 1.0' Thumbnail of the map '04-4 - curvaceous - Substance 1.0' Thumbnail of the map '05-1 - bamboo forest - Substance 1.0' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro Runner 2 - Stay...'
04-1 - factory - Substance 1.0 04-2 - wall jump frenzy - Substance 1.0 04-3 - long way round - Substance 1.0 04-4 - curvaceous - Substance 1.0 05-1 - bamboo forest - Substance 1.0 Micro Runner 2 - Stay...


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Insanely hard you said?
I say watch my demo ladies.

I go super duper fast due to the time also. As i said before, i don't know how to desactivate the time so i play all the levels in the userlevel mode (90 seconds to beat it).


PS: Another "i'm-proud-of-have-beaten-it-level". Sendy: Bravisimo, clap clap clap.
Demo Data


has anyone beaten it?


this level isn't too hard when you use frame- by- frame, just tedious....

I won't post the demo, because it is incredibly cheap. I'll work on a 'real' demo now...


Great map, ive managed to get to the end of the bottom tier but that last bit always gets me, ive figured it out just gotta get the jump right =)

Keep up the great work Sendy!
Ok, it's damn tough, but look... 10 minutes on this level last night nearly got me to the switch. Coming back is easier than going. I only died in the demo because I got nervous, had I kept my cool I would have been in with a chance I recon ;)
Demo Data

completely evil...

and i cant believe you make me go all the way back after the switch :D. i cant forsee anyone completing this... ever... if they do, well that is amazing.


This is insanely hard, but a masterpiece!!

Another demo

I fusked up on a bit I can usually do well, but don't have time to make a better demo. Anyway this is a bit of a spoiler to the jump puzzles so if you're good, don't watch.
Demo Data


I suck so much I haven't even beaten the lower part :P
Take a look at this...
Demo Data


They are fun, aren't they? I was only copying a Metanet level after all... I'll see if I can get a decent demo of at least getting the switch later...


for the double post, but can I make my own Bamboo Forest level?


I have been unable to finish it because of my skill level at N. But even with all the enter key pushing, I loved it!