Janitor of the Cold Moon

Thumbnail of the map 'Janitor of the Cold Moon'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mechtradevil
Tags author:mechtradevil bitesized incomplete rated
Created 2006-12-20
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I'm storing it here for now, feel free to comment and rate... Thank you! While it is in storage, any constructive criticism is very welcome...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shining, Shining Greed' Thumbnail of the map 'My Nymphetamine Girl' Thumbnail of the map 'The Surrogate Theif' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket, White Lightning, Hysteria' Thumbnail of the map 'The Crazy Stoner' Thumbnail of the map 'You Sexy Bastard'
Shining, Shining Greed My Nymphetamine Girl The Surrogate Theif Rocket, White Lightning, Hysteria The Crazy Stoner You Sexy Bastard


Pages: (0)

Demo Data
Ya know, this is my favorite title I ever came up with... I imagine this guy with a beard and a guitar cast in white light on the cold lifeless surface of the moon... the guitar has a mop coming out of the neck and between riffs he mops a section, dries it with a cloth tied to his belt, then moves on.


How is this incomplete? IMO it's a great map.


Demo Data


As theres nothing to fix about it.

I think its a ...

great little level ;D 4.5/5 and an extra .5 coz its xmas!


impossible to describe how much I love this map...
Can't wait for the final version.
5aved and bitesized.
There's a slow AGD.
Demo Data