Diomedes' Epicedium

Thumbnail of the map 'Diomedes' Epicedium'

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Author great_sea
Tags author:great_sea bitesized dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-14
Last Modified 2005-04-14
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description Alright, I have finally finished it! My first DDA is completed (Hear that alot, don't you?). This thing took me a while to get down. It didn't turn out quite how I initially invisioned it, though. I toy with several different "styles," so in that sense, it is somewhat experimental. That said, I still think it turned out good. Please, please PLEASE, give me feedback on this.

***Also note: There is one bug in this. Fortunately, it does not occur very often. Unfortunately, if it does occur, there is a good chance it may happen twice in a row. The bug is N getting killed by a rocket about 15 seconds after the start. If this happens, please be kind and simply reset. The first few seconds are worth watching twice, anyway.

Other maps by this author

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fun to cheat

fun to watch, but 4/5 for teleporting.
Demo Data

i will take note

i am glad to have feedback. thanks for all the positive comments, guys ^_^


I have to say, for your first DDA, this is amazing. Most "first DDA" maps aren't up to par. Two complaints, and these are just personal things, but you seemed to execute both with a decent amount of clarity:

1. Gold Delay. I usually don't like it, but you did well with it.

2. Teleporters. I dislike teleporters in DDAs, I'd try to refrain from using those in the future. They're not really worth the time you put in.

Beyond that, excellent DDA, I'd like to see more from you.


And a cheating death effects!
Great DDA!


great job with the rockets, none of them overlap and they make it really close, good work

yeah i agree with

neverender that was sweet and the teleporters were sweet.


Very cool DDA. The only thing I didnt like was that the end was kinda anticlimactic. Watching a thwump push him down a hallway really pales im comparison to the rest of it. Otherwise, great job!


thanks for the info neverender, that is good for me to know


why does this need to be longer. It is perfect the way it is. personally, if it gets too long it starts to bore me. I liked teh teleporters, those were sweet. this is an all around great map especially a great DDA. I think it ranks up there with the top ones which is why i gave it a 5. (keep your comments you yourself nevermore)

More info...

I had wanted this to be twice as long as it ended up. Unfortunately, things were becoming too cluttered too quickly, and it was all too inter-connect to just go back and change stuff up. In the future, I hope to make another longer DDA, based majorly off the first fifteen-ish seconds. So... enjoy!