White Light

Thumbnail of the map 'White Light'

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Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags action author:unconditional playable rated
Created 2006-12-07
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Comments and constructive critisism greatly appreciated. I reckon this is one of my best maps?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cutt Off' Thumbnail of the map 'What If?' Thumbnail of the map 'Listen To The Hiss' Thumbnail of the map 'Black And White Town' Thumbnail of the map 'Quality Control' Thumbnail of the map 'Chelsea Dagger'
Cutt Off What If? Listen To The Hiss Black And White Town Quality Control Chelsea Dagger


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A bit on the hard side, but still a nice map you've made.

here it is

its a test level. Have fun with it buddy.
Excellent tileset. It's actually very asthetically pleasing, in my opinion.
Pretty hard; N has to pull off some cinematic dodges in there to survive, but its alright.
I can't pull this one off, but nice one.
As for the locked doors, it wasn't odd enough to detract from the playability of this map.
Great job. My only advice would be to take out some of the turrets, and instead, have fewer turrets which are able to fire at longer distances. I know, its crazy to say that with such an open map; and I'm not saying you should change the tileset.
Rather, I'm saying that one well-positioned Gauss turret can kill a Ninja better than two poorly placed ones.

In short, 4/5. Great job, here.

Budoo budoo indeed,

i know what you mean about turrets though. If you have time, id love to see what you would have done with the tileset, because it deserves better...


it didnt seem to well thought out. I could place a bunch of turrets and rockets to make a hard map too. Props to the tileset though. Good job there.

1 thing

the locked doors are a little ..odd for my taste. otherwise, nice map. i gave you a 4.5/5

If you rate,

please comment aswell!