N Matrix (or Natrix) Step 1

Thumbnail of the map 'N Matrix (or Natrix) Step 1'

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Author gmvgs
Tags author:gmvgs incomplete unrated
Created 2006-12-03
Last Modified 2006-12-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Once again I have gone through the task of searching NUMA for N Art. If you haven't guessed, I searched for Matrix. I'm not going to lie to you, I found one:
Matrix Moments by dark_shado
The map isn't bad, but because of my fascination The Matrix trilogy, or the fact I felt the Matrix theme still had a lot to give, or the fact I'm trying to get to Top Rated (or even the fact I was bored), I decided to make my own. Here's a sneak peak!

Hey. I only leave Matrix on the title as a sort of 'tag' for searching. The Natrix Step 2 & Final are here

Other maps by this author

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Indiana Jones Super Mario We only accept elevators Ring of Fire No Ninjas Allowed The Cave of All Nightmares


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the arms are a little small, the knees; nonexistent. The feet angle out too sharply, the body; too strait.
I look forward to the final version.