Five Columns of Death

Thumbnail of the map 'Five Columns of Death'

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Author Amazing_Slug
Tags author:amazing_slug bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-11-27
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I dont know should i put it under action or puzzle. I couldn't decide. There shouldn't be a problem with beating it. I've playtested every part.

Comments, please. =)

Other maps by this author

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Function Rakkatammaasa The Ledge You've been Ngaged! On the Edge of Honour Double Payment


Pages: (0)


who bitesized it?

And i got the original inspiration of 72-3 beginning.
@amconline, but mine jumpers are usually categorized as puzzles, as they are puzzling, because you have to make hard jumps and think what you have to do next. So they are puzzles. :)

great map.

NUMA should have a "mine jumper" category...
We should send a request. :)

Really enjoyable

Great map. Simple, fun, enjoyable. 5/5


its like a columnar MTI without the thwumps