Simple Circles v1.1

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Circles v1.1'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author RokusaburoMichiba
Tags action author:rokusaburomichiba playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-06
Last Modified 2005-04-10
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description v1.0
This level in general isn't very hard nor is it truly innovative. This is a map that's designed for those who seek to collect every single piece of gold in this level. I hope you enjoy my fifth map.

I pondered over what elitheeli had said about the thwumps and I eventually decided that the two thwumps on the sides really were pointless. I also rounded the corners. I didn't know that this map was any good. Thanks for the comments.

Comments and demos are always welcome.
~Rokusaburo Michiba

Other maps by this author

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Insane in the Mainframe v1.0 Subterranean Complex v1.1


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great map. i think it's perfect as it is i really enjoyed it. five Ns


some suggestions:
-'twould be better without the thwumps
-round the corners to make it look nicer

other than that, it is fun, although in the metanet levels, there are some very similar maps.


Very nice map. You definitely spend time on them. You're shaping up to be a great mapmaker. Join the very, very small club we have.

Anyway, here's a demo. I think this would be great for MetaNet's second user column, when it arrives.
Demo Data