Boxes lots and lots of confusing boxes!!!

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Author rebelzx
Tags author:rebelzx playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-11-19
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oo-er...

Errmm a spin off i saw all the boxes maps i wanted one so i made it confuzzling :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Escape PT2' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Escape PT3' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Escape PT4' Thumbnail of the map 'Jigsaw' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Break part..... where ever we were' Thumbnail of the map 'Keep Moving!'
Prison Escape PT2 Prison Escape PT3 Prison Escape PT4 Jigsaw Prison Break part..... where ever we were Keep Moving!


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just rated all of your maps 5/5

i guess

Thanks Azmillions for inpspiring me from Hypercube and also letting me use yout tile set.


Not bad. A LOT of object are unecessary, and it's easy to spot that switch beneath the gold when it's loading. 3.5/5. I don't quite know if you took the idea from him or not ('cause it's in the original userlevels list), but if you did take the idea from Azmillion's "Hypercube", you should credit him.

You don't need...

...all those mines