Wierd Death

Thumbnail of the map 'Wierd Death'

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Author djshorty
Tags author:djshorty dda unrated
Created 2006-11-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Ok, i gotta say, i stumbled upon this almost entirely on accident (Then i added a minefield to it!). If anyone can figure out why N dies up there, feel free to let me in on it, cuz i have no idea! I thought it was just cuz he hit hard, but he wasn't going fast enough for that... But anyway, play, enjoy, comment, but dont bother with replays, they're really all the same!

This is a great stress relieving level! Just let it keep playing and watch the body parts fly!!

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He probably is going too fast. Put a launch pad on the ground and put some tiles a couple spaces above it. Then have the ninja bounce on it a couple of times. It should die, like it did at the top.
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i feel so stupid

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