History So Strong

Thumbnail of the map 'History So Strong'

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Author spiker5
Tags action author:spiker5 bitesized playable rated
Created 2006-11-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description This place has gone to the dogs.

For all you people out there who haven't been consumed by this, good luck. You're all gonna' need it.

For the

*walks away with his hands in his pockets*

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This One's For Elmer!' Thumbnail of the map 'Ergo Soft' Thumbnail of the map 'Sharks With Knives' Thumbnail of the map 'Gramble' Thumbnail of the map 'They Mine Endlessly' Thumbnail of the map 'Computers are cold and lifeless, but they listen to everything I say'
This One's For Elmer! Ergo Soft Sharks With Knives Gramble They Mine Endlessly Computers are cold and lifeless, but they listen to everything I say


Pages: (0)

Jesus Christ!

Unbelievable Map!


Over a year late, but there's nothing I can do about that.

Demo Data

this is awesome

i love it.

All gold.

Demo Data
Yeah, it was for that explicit reason that I left NUMA for a bout two months to let it calm down. The more exact reason was that i was just tiered of being tripple sniped by people who didn't even play the levels. Regardless, you cant win a war by your self, but i guess trying is the important part.
Is not to get involved.

I enjoyed playing this map. Here's a slow all gold demo. 4.5/5
Demo Data

Incredible map.



I think I gave a 5
I liked this one.



what do you mean what do you mean that is has gone to the dogs?

This has nothing to do with IAABH.

This has to do with what people do here, what people consider a 'submittable map'. Sniping, spamming, the list could go on. I'm dissapointed at a lot of members for some things, and I'm trying to be a voice of reason through some of these events (Again not refering to IAABH)

You can find me on the forums about this subject.
I would give this a 4.5 and what do you mean that is has gone to the dogs? please give detail.
Demo Data
nice map by the way