Break In (Updated)

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Author Parge Himself
Tags author:parge himself playable uncategorized unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-07-30
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Pretty much the same as the last one, only with some extra things and a more obvious route.

The Richie family are away on holiday, rob them blind before they return. The family jewels are in the attic, but there is an elaborate security system protecting them, with many a bad guy. Try and make it out alive with as much gold as possible

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Break in' Thumbnail of the map 'N-possible' Thumbnail of the map 'mini N' Thumbnail of the map 'leap of faith' Thumbnail of the map 'The random shapes and other things with bad guys who try to hurt you' Thumbnail of the map 'Escape from greenville'
Break in N-possible mini N leap of faith The random shapes and other things with bad guys who try to hurt you Escape from greenville


Pages: (0)


Made most of the wya. but got trapped

Demo Data

Very Easy

very ovious traps not enopugh traps

Too easy

'nuff said.
Demo Data