W, Triple Me

Thumbnail of the map 'W, Triple Me'

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Author alij
Tags author:alij playable race rated
Created 2006-10-22
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Not much to say really, another race, some more fun. Meh, Njoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Fishing For A Feeling' Thumbnail of the map 'Nocturnal' Thumbnail of the map 'Forgive But Don't Forget' Thumbnail of the map 'Seeing And Being' Thumbnail of the map 'Ways And Means' Thumbnail of the map 'Echoeing Silence'
Fishing For A Feeling Nocturnal Forgive But Don't Forget Seeing And Being Ways And Means Echoeing Silence


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Demo Data


the gold delay was origonally an idea of making you go round twice but then it didnt work cos you get the key first time round

Nice map

try to make your enemies actually dangerous, though.
Demo Data

not bad

but why the gold delay on the key? overall, pretty fun 4/5
Demo Data

You can,

keep trying, go as fast as posible and jump at the last second