Gold Galore

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Galore'

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Author 5abijatt
Tags author:5abijatt dda rated
Created 2006-10-10
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description N may be looped into the first circle once but not more than once. This may happen other places also. But in the end, it all works out.


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simply too simple
waste of time.
it was so, im not going to was my time with profanity.
but it was boring stupid and absolutely no point whatsoever.


this took a lot of time to make and it sucks

If i may say

you've wasted a lot of time there
i would have had more fun drowning in my own sperm


No enemies, no close calls, WAY too many launchpads and this is just a waste of time, and it lags and gold is missed.

uh, it does work

but still. Its not exciting and gold is missed.

what a waste

must have taken a long time and it's not even fun in the least bit.. and it doesn't even work