
Thumbnail of the map 'b.i.c'

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Tags author:bluesabbeth dda unrated
Created 2006-10-05
Last Modified 2006-10-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description its my first holf left / hold rifght dda so i am open to pointers and fare ratings enjoy ded to funman

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the penny drops' Thumbnail of the map 're take' Thumbnail of the map 'the candle that has been blown out' Thumbnail of the map 'be as mysteriose as the dark side of the moon' Thumbnail of the map 'nuclar waste' Thumbnail of the map 'not finished'
the penny drops re take the candle that has been blown out be as mysteriose as the dark side of the moon nuclar waste not finished


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are you going to give me the ded on this map?

Learn to spell

Hold right is much better.

good job

but try not to block enemies with trap doors, try to add some more enemies, and also, make it a bit longer......
