Thumbnail of the map 'The PILLOWS'

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Author Chicob13
Tags author:chicob13 autogenerated playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-09-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i grew up as a protected chiled and now it is time to spread the fear

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rounded Square of Death' Thumbnail of the map 'bouncer' Thumbnail of the map 'I Don't Know What To Call It' Thumbnail of the map 'Help Name It' Thumbnail of the map 'run' Thumbnail of the map 'bouncer'
Rounded Square of Death bouncer I Don't Know What To Call It Help Name It run bouncer


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I have a question.

What is the specific reason that you clicked the 'automatically generated' box?
Do you actually think that other people hand-typed the code to their levels and posted it here?