Hold Other Right

Thumbnail of the map 'Hold Other Right'

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Author Acheeze
Tags author:acheeze dda rated
Created 2006-09-25
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description My second DDA and a great improvement from my first one

Comments always welcome

PS: if you cant figure out from the name its a hold left DDA

Other maps by this author

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Hidden Secrets Quick And Easy OMGWTFDDA


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Hold Right

when you hold right it makes you invincible. it's a glitch I found.


use some better methods of propulsion
i liked it tho
need more rockets


it wasn't terrible
what i mean is, you did some cool things with propulsion and stuff, but thwump dodges are easy, and 1 rocket?
good start, make a similar style map with many more enemies and you'll have something really good