
Thumbnail of the map 'Superclound'

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Author ericphenix
Tags author:ericphenix rated test
Created 2006-09-04
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I've been experimenting with thunderclouds, and I stumbled upon this design.
The cloud it makes is more of a dome, than just two or four plumes...

Please look at my other maps and rate them!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'FALLOUT 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Ultimadium' Thumbnail of the map 'thundercloud' Thumbnail of the map 'Crouching N, hidden zap drones.' Thumbnail of the map 'Laser Securety' Thumbnail of the map 'Fallout Field'
FALLOUT 2 Ultimadium thundercloud Crouching N, hidden zap drones. Laser Securety Fallout Field


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you ppl are crazy getting this exited about a map... >.> i mean its just a map... noting speacial.. oh and look closer it is just 4 seprate clouds.. o.0 but what i dont understand is if you dont like those kind of maps then why do you comment... it is there busness about the maps they make... besides i like thunder clouds people should try ways to make cooler and better versions ;)


i know jack isn't a noob, i've played most of his maps. I was using noob as a frase to say he's being stupid. . .and so are you. This map is an innovation on the common thundercloud, and it is impressive, if you know what you're seeing. Instead of it being 2 or 4 separate clouds, this is 1 huge one. This isn't meant to be fun, or unique. It's an innovation on an old idea.


Jack is not a noob, this is a noob map. Everybody's had enough of these damn thundercluds, including me! There are so many of them it's annoying, just don't submit anything that isn't either fun or impressive. This isn't, just don't do it!


you are the biggest n00b ever. he's just showing us a larger thundercloud. That's why it's a test level. He's not trying to show that he's a kickass map maker. and you're wrong. I thought this was pretty cool, and I care about thunderclouds.
do any of your maps prove anything? It's a cool thundercloud, thats it.