learning how to jump part 2

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Author MasterYan
Tags action author:masteryan playable unrated
Created 2006-08-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Description if you learning how to jump this map is for you to. you should play learning how to jump part one. this one is for diffent tpype of jump this will help you. this one is alot easier than the first one. but this will make maps easy

Other maps by this author

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the four read lights ups and downs. sonic style the hardest map you will come aross like this. but beatable a pointless map learning to jump part 1


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remove the unnessesary mines (you could probably remove ever other mine on the walls) and may add some cover on the laser bit. took me a few tries to do it, and i think its a bit too hard for a newbie to be able to dodge the mines. 4/5.


Nothing like bypassing a trap door.
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heres the demo enjoy
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