Trying DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'Trying DDA'

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Author Zach1989
Tags author:zach1989 dda rated
Created 2006-08-23
Last Modified 2006-08-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Here is my very first DDA map tell me what you think, and how I can improve. *****Here is an updated version**** I like this dda I do use the Jump pads a lot but I like to use them.


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try some others, right now I can work with trap doors and bounce blocks, but experiment

I dont know

Hey it works fine on my computer and on other I have tried, i recently changed the code so that may be it if you haven't tried it recently remake the map data, and try it if not i'll see because I am a noob at this.

For a beginner

For a beginning DDA it looked fine seeing as beginners (like myself) haven't entirely explored every way to make one interesting. I think its funny that after you finish the guy dies and ends up above the map at the top, convulsing violently. Next time, however, don't put gold in places that aren't even touched. In my opinion, it's sloppy.

i dont know

if this is just my computer but i always died at this part.
Demo Data