Aerology Part I

Thumbnail of the map 'Aerology Part I'

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Author uNcoNditioNal
Tags author:unconditional playable race rated
Created 2006-08-23
Last Modified 2006-08-24
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description My first race map, I tried to incorporate the concept of thwump riding into the map and i think it came out quite well. Please rate and tell me what you think.
Thanks to Psycho_CO for some suggestions.


Pages: (0)


from races today, yet so rare and consistent.


Seemed to die alot. still good though. 4/5

Just a thought,

Have a look at Aerology Part II:

Not bad

not worth a 4.5, but there is definite potential here. The flow was a little screwy in some places, see my demo, and the laser drone doesn't work, maybe a chaingun would have been better. It's also a little easy, a rocket or two would have been good.

Solid map though 4/5.
Demo Data

I see.

Thanks very much for your help, im begining to spend more time on my maps, i guess thats a good thing.

demo and rating


this is how i meant for the transition from bottom-left to bottom-right to go
Demo Data