Don't fear the Beaver

Thumbnail of the map 'Don't fear the Beaver'

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Author nemetacyst
Tags action author:nemetacyst playable rated
Created 2006-08-20
Last Modified 2006-08-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description i really like this one...although it can be difficult, if long as your patient enough with the rocket, it becomes much easier...and i think its quite fun...

comments, ratings, demos, w/e

oh, and i may ded the first person who understands the title...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Its Hammertime' Thumbnail of the map 'Angel of Wrath' Thumbnail of the map 'Bad Moon on the Rise' Thumbnail of the map 'Beast Within' Thumbnail of the map 'Crosstown Traffic' Thumbnail of the map 'Beware the Mongoose'
Its Hammertime Angel of Wrath Bad Moon on the Rise Beast Within Crosstown Traffic Beware the Mongoose


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i like

the way epigone managed to steer the conversation subtly out of the gutter...dont fear the

about the map...i think it looks pretty cool, havent tried it yet but ill rate in like 10 minutes haha dont fear the beaver lol


I totally get it.




dont fear the beaver...ha!

...honestly, i dont get it, but you 'n' epigone 'splained it to me


comment is reserved when you have something meaningful to say they were more then likely being dicks man... oh shit i commented!!


nothing i can do about that...


I tried to make a demo but its to hard for me, maybe I'll work on it later when I have time.
I love your tilesets, you have real artistic creativity. The gameplay plays really well, I love the bounce blocks and slanted tiles, they made for fun jumps.
Only negative was the rocket really was maybe *too* relentless.


i hate it when ppl just randomly rate 3 without saying why...

i mean, cmon, if its bad enough to deserve a three, the least you can do is say why, so i can fix it in my next level...


feel free to say may be good for a laugh...if you dont think so, then just keep it to yourself...

epigone got it...

don't fear the reaper...

ill ded you if i make anything worthwhile in the next day...i dont know if ill have time though...
but I'm not sure its appropriate for NUMA...


maybe also don't be afraid of Canadians... ?

well, dude,

i never get tired of saying this, but...
that's amzing, nemetacyst.
Great gameplay, I'm workin on a completion/AGD, i'll get bakc to you.