Let's just play...with chainguns

Thumbnail of the map 'Let's just play...with chainguns'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author DemonzLunchBreak
Tags action author:demonzlunchbreak playable rated
Created 2006-08-08
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description resubmitted due to sniping. grrr.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Roboturkey (resubmit)' Thumbnail of the map 'Gee Whizzz!' Thumbnail of the map '__:)__' Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunking (22-1)' Thumbnail of the map 'Artificial and Organic' Thumbnail of the map 'Funtime Rocket Race'
Roboturkey (resubmit) Gee Whizzz! __:)__ Spelunking (22-1) Artificial and Organic Funtime Rocket Race


Pages: (0)

Too hard,

Here's a completion demo
Demo Data


same as Brttrx. many people have told me that. your lucky cuz you only get sniped every once in a while. i get sniped all the time by the same person. there's only one (map that i know of) that hasn't gotten sniped. 5/5 cuz i think this is worth a 4.5 (and i also like chaingun maps like these, tho this one is a bit too hard for me)


sniped again.


is that adage worth more than a rating?

A wise man once told me, a comment is worth alot more than a rating.

fun map

i like it 4.5
Again, very nice map, keep up this standard.


aw, i like this map. damn snipers