
Thumbnail of the map 'prismatic'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author newt
Tags action author:newt playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-02-06
Last Modified 2005-02-06
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Light can be a wonderful and mysterious thing, until evil robots get their cold, steel, ninja killing claws on it; then it can be a very dangerous and powerful laser beam.
Have fun with this level because it was a lot of fun to make and test! Feel free to play with the tileset, too!

prismatic tileset

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'cyclope' Thumbnail of the map 'stealth' Thumbnail of the map 'cloud city' Thumbnail of the map 'vortex' Thumbnail of the map 'USB 2.0' Thumbnail of the map 'prismatic tileset'
cyclope stealth cloud city vortex USB 2.0 prismatic tileset


Pages: (0)

*** Revision ***

*** The map has been slightly revised due to popular demand (sammage) so that the exit switch is accessable from above. I added an extra door to compensate, but the level plays much smoother and easier by far. ***


Here's my alternative route to the exit switch.

PS I like the level, I hate the exit switch.
Demo Data


Bahaha, this time I got all the doors and missed the exit.
Demo Data

Exit Switch Demo

This (unnecessarily) longish demo will show you the easier way to get up to the exit switch, like Kablizzy said.
You could also jump straight up from the 3Q sloped tile if you already have some momentum (like jumping from the sloped part of the 6W tile just to its left) and avoid the lasers, of course.
Demo Data
A quick demonstration of how to get that switch: Load this demo, press play demo, turn caps lock OFF, press play, hold down return and click the mouse.
Then, with the mouse over the middle of the leftmost switch, hold down return and click again, then turn caps lock off. Depending on where you respawn the ninja, he might just fall down onto the mines sometimes
Demo Data

If I could...

Heh, if I could get a demo, I'd show ya, but it involves backjumping from one of the sloped tiles.

You tested this....

So can you explain to me how to get the exit switch?