The long way 'round

Thumbnail of the map 'The long way 'round'

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Author matthewchj
Tags author:matthewchj dda rated
Created 2006-07-25
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description I was going to call this thwumper, but I decided to put the door next to where the ninja started instead. So the ninja goes on a long journey just to end up right next to where he started.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Room Race 1: Of Gausses and Platforms' Thumbnail of the map 'M16 Burst' Thumbnail of the map 'M16 Fullauto' Thumbnail of the map 'Sliding Stairs' Thumbnail of the map 'Room race 3: Dronin' on and on' Thumbnail of the map 'Room Race 2: Crazy Curves'
Room Race 1: Of Gausses and Platforms M16 Burst M16 Fullauto Sliding Stairs Room race 3: Dronin' on and on Room Race 2: Crazy Curves


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its.... well....

i'm "Speechless"! just joking. Well, it is quite slow, and you used mainly thwump propulsion.

too slow...

almost boring because of how slow it is, if it was faster then the length wouldnt be a problem.

too long

It's too slow. Needs more action.