A tribute to DDAs

Thumbnail of the map 'A tribute to DDAs'

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Author Cheesy2
Tags author:cheesy2 rated test v1.3c
Created 2005-01-30
Last Modified 2005-02-02
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description This is a very, very simple DDA comprised of all launchpads. It was made to show how finely tuned the dials can be on the control panel of a DDA. Watch this and notice how I use the same launchpad multiple times and get different effects. I made it because I wanted DDAs to be recognized for the real challenge(usually...) they are to make.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Multi-Element DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Physics log' Thumbnail of the map 'Curve-N-Loop Racetrack' Thumbnail of the map 'Pyramid of friggin' doom!' Thumbnail of the map 'DDA the Decent' Thumbnail of the map 'Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel'
Multi-Element DDA Physics log Curve-N-Loop Racetrack Pyramid of friggin' doom! DDA the Decent Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel