Perfect Grave

Thumbnail of the map 'Perfect Grave'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Zy
Tags author:zy playable race rated
Created 2006-07-14
Last Modified 2006-07-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Resubmitted because it was sniped and I made a major change.

First, this is my first race map. ( My other map's can be found at )
I think that this map is pretty easy, but I like the flow of it. The original tileset (I only changed like two tiles) is from pigthief's Shellface Complex, which can be found at
Instead of just saying its bad, (if you do) please tell me WHY its bad. Please post your demos, suggestions, and rate.
Thank you!

Oh, and one more thing, the fastest AGD in 24 hours gets a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'M i N i' Thumbnail of the map 'Whisper to a Scream' Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'F e A r F u L' Thumbnail of the map 'Controlled Chaos' Thumbnail of the map 'Birds Fly'
M i N i Whisper to a Scream Tileset F e A r F u L Controlled Chaos Birds Fly


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Man, I'm so sorry, I've been busy with rl stuff. So sorry, I'll make one like right now. Im so sorry. =/.


is my ded ever gonna come??

faster agd

Demo Data


dont b harsh on bedal hes a really good player and just not a great mapmaker kinda like me, i make a few good maps now and then but otherwise i suck at it but i can play good


i choose not to make maps not like you who makes crap, just stop!!!!
he doesn't even make maps of his own!!!

someone better mock him.


If you don't want to play this tileset, then just don't go to the maps that use it. If people like it, then they can make a map from it and you can't stop them. Instead of going to every map that uses this tileset and leaving a nasty comment, how about just ignoring them?


tired of playing this map there is so many versions of it...otherwise it was good but can we stop remaking it


and by that, I mean, most excellent. I guess it's not the best map ever. but it was enjoyable and the tileset is good. in all fairness, I'm gonna say 4/5.


First of all thanks for the demos and comments.
Second, please guys, go and rate pigthief's tileset.
He put lots of effort into that and without it, I couldn't have made this map. It'll only take like 30 seconds of your time. Thank you.

Snipers are evil

Even though snipers are evil, I like the changes you made. This is a really great map! 5/5

Also, some ratings for the tileset would be nice. I don't like advertising, but I worked a long time fine-tuning it.
Demo Data


faster and it was my first completion lol
Demo Data

not my fastest

Demo Data


Demo Data