flaming comit

Thumbnail of the map 'flaming comit'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author malibar1
Tags author:malibar1 dda rated
Created 2006-07-13
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description wait for 1min and 20secons and the rockets will tearn into a flaming comit


* = didnt work

** = sort of worked

*** = worked fine

**** = worked fine and thougt it was cool

***** = coolest trick

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'chapter1 : captive' Thumbnail of the map 'chapter2 : break out' Thumbnail of the map 'chapter3 : found out' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket art' Thumbnail of the map 'a thunder storms a com'in'
chapter1 : captive chapter2 : break out chapter3 : found out rocket art a thunder storms a com'in


Pages: (0)


meh my ninja died


pretty cool stuff, heavy lag after a while tho, and the ninja died of speeding somehow... 4.5/5


You're level is amazing! The way it changed shapes a few times looks really cool!


i hav a map just like this clik on my name and look its like one of my first maps



def a 4.5/5 from me. Nice man!
1.5 Ninjas out of 5, which is the rating system of this site.
Judging on the fact that I exploded once the map started, after I was launched into a wall, I downrate this severly. It didn't work, simple as that.



I give it ***.5