Your Web Didn't Catch THIS Ninja! (But it did catch Hard-Worked On Maps.)

Thumbnail of the map 'Your Web Didn't Catch THIS Ninja! (But it did catch Hard-Worked On Maps.)'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lamezorlad
Tags author:lamezorlad incomplete rated
Created 2006-07-12
Last Modified 2006-07-12
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A tiny map. Credit edit, and use.

Advertise if you want.
Rated 5 out of 5 advertised maps so far.

3 Ads Per Person Please.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Just another Incomplete DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Facts' Thumbnail of the map 'Structured' Thumbnail of the map 'Burned to the Bone' Thumbnail of the map 'Smash it' Thumbnail of the map 'Scattered Atoms of a Broken Mind'
Just another Incomplete DDA Facts Structured Burned to the Bone Smash it Scattered Atoms of a Broken Mind


Pages: (0)

Oh...advertising ?

Check this one out (also out of a tileset by lamezorlad lol!)
Enjoy ! < >
...not a really good one, but hey a map out of your tileset...
So, enjoy : < >

ok fine only 3 lol

oh and thanx for all these ratings

Quite nice

if you haven't yet, mine right above needs a rating ;).


u actually rated that map? lol... howbout ? haha :P

I gave you a

4/5 by the way.


rate up my map, the one under yours. It got sniped and every time I try to submit it, it gets 0'ed, and I put alot of time into it. lol ok :P