Mini You: Off the Desk

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Author HeartView
Tags action author:heartview playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-19
Last Modified 2005-01-19
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Well, making it off the top of your desk was harder than you thought. Your pear-shaped body just isn’t cut out for all of this running and jumping around. If you saw a video of yourself, you’d probably understand why the kids at McDonalds call you Grimace when you wear your purple sweater.

Against all odds and with only Twinkie crumbs to sustain you (since your last meal, that is), you manage to get to the side of your desk. One look down nearly makes you lose the lunch you had at 3:00 and very likely the one you had a 1:30 with it. How the hell will you make it down there?

“Aahah!” you exclaim in your pipsqueak voice, which is really starting to grow on you. You realize you still have a piece of dental floss lying around somewhere. Alas, it’s on the other side of the desk. You think it should be strong enough to support your now miniaturized body. After all, you've only used it about 6 times in the past 8 months.

Your quest continues.

(An all-gold demo would be greatly appreciated.)

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On collecting the pr0n, that is. ;) That area is tougher than it looks. But I'd say you're closer to 1/3 done instead of half. The bottom part is a LOT tougher than the top part. :D


Half-beaten all gold :P
Demo Data


I forgot to mention why you couldn't use your trackball cord to get down... I would tell you to use your imagination, but instead I'll tell you that it involves a steady stream of ants after the rotting pumpkin sitting on the back of your desk. It was a gift from a coworker last Halloween and you'd feel guilty if you threw it away.