Happy 50,001st, NUMA

Thumbnail of the map 'Happy 50,001st, NUMA'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author legiax
Tags author:legiax playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-07-03
Last Modified 2006-07-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Most likely to be unnecessary to say, edited verion. :(

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Magicavern' Thumbnail of the map 'To The Point' Thumbnail of the map 'Symmetrical Mix' Thumbnail of the map 'Bamboo Ascension'
Magicavern To The Point Symmetrical Mix Bamboo Ascension


Pages: (0)


Didn't Arachnid fix it so you could edit maps even after they had received 5 votes?

Of course, if you prefer it the way it is, then that's fair enough.


I'm not going to change it because I'd have to resubmit. For two reasons, I'm not going to.

1) It'd lose all it's votes
2) It wouldn't really be the 50,001st map then, would it?

Speedy demo.

Demo Data

All gold demo

This is a good map. The only thing I dislike about it is how you have to go round twice for all gold. It makes it a bit tedious (which is why I'm cautious in my demo). I've held off on voting in case you decide to change this.
Demo Data

Quick demo

Go for under 1000
Demo Data

*Bonks Head*

Yes, I should have. DANGIT! All these comments and not one rating. Weird...


To be quick, you should have just looked at the hyperlink. ;)


We submitted our maps the exact same second. It's my fault too, I checked that one map to see if it was 49,999 or not...


It looks better. For some reason. I feel like an idiot right now...


if I upset you Kirby777.


Please don't make maps like that! 50,000... Sorry, I just think that the map title is realy cheesy. You can't be too certain about that. Umm, yeah. Just expressing my unimportant opinion....
Changing that 0 to a 1 would be easy.

and thank god..

what? Who said that?

Nyaaa nyaaaa

1 map late! :P