
Thumbnail of the map 'Mario'

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Author Royal_Pall
Tags action author:royal_pall autogenerated playable rated
Created 2006-06-30
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description A great little mario bit. Watch everything come to actual mario!


Pages: (0)

N is mario, then the shape next to you is the pipe (whih~ch for some reason shoots you upwards), then the thwump is the big black bullet, the floorchaser is a koopa, the triangle with trapdoors is the ending flag, and the castle is the castle.

Not bad. too easy though... 3,5
ok wut the hell is a MapMaking Tool, and why the hell would u need it ..... all u have to do is download the N-Game and play it then hit ` and load an empty map after that u hit E and start making a/the map ....... i just dont get it ...... whats the differents?????


the one-way's under the bouncepad's?!?!?!


do you get mapmaking tools, and why would you use them 1.5


Demo Data
Automatically generated score of 1.5.