Cloudy Day

Thumbnail of the map 'Cloudy Day'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Cpash
Tags action author:cpash playable rated
Created 2006-06-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Ded to mysterypower for the tileset.

Rate it High PLZ!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Doom I' Thumbnail of the map 'House of PAYNE' Thumbnail of the map 'Frozen Eternity' Thumbnail of the map 'Apocalyption' Thumbnail of the map 'Glycerine' Thumbnail of the map 'Hypo-Fusion'
Doom I House of PAYNE Frozen Eternity Apocalyption Glycerine Hypo-Fusion


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and i give it 4/5
i personally enjoy it more w/o having to get the doors


by alot.
Demo Data

yeah obviously

cheatable. you could tell by looking at the thumbnail...
...not really

haha very cheatable

speed demo... u should fix that cheat... 4/5
Demo Data
unethical, and it makes them NOT want to anyway...
cheatable, which brings it down a half point from 4.5/5, making it 4, and a 3.5/5 because it really isn't that great.
Demo Data