Volcanic challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'Volcanic challenge'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author +AH4-KaDeZ+AH4-
Tags action author:+ah4-kadez+ah4- playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Have-a-go of this level to test ure jumpin ability and your steadiness. Send lots of feedback and replay data. :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Easy Excercise' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy Excercise (FIXED)' Thumbnail of the map 'Holiday in Hardville (Easy)' Thumbnail of the map 'Holiday in Hardville' Thumbnail of the map '???' Thumbnail of the map 'Behind enemy lines'
Easy Excercise Easy Excercise (FIXED) Holiday in Hardville (Easy) Holiday in Hardville ??? Behind enemy lines


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I got so close, almost got it, then slipped...I'm going home.
(4/5)(good job)

done - faster, too

not all gold though - but that wouldn't take me much longer to do that.
Demo Data


Completion, not too fast though...
Demo Data

So close...

and yet so far.
P.S: Is there any point to the doors to the left and right of the centre one?
Demo Data