Lord Squoogle of Squaggleton

Thumbnail of the map 'Lord Squoogle of Squaggleton'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AntiGravity
Tags author:antigravity playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-06-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is just a small level for fun, I'm busy so mostly I'm making small maps...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The path home when drunk' Thumbnail of the map 'T-r-i-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-e-e' Thumbnail of the map 'Zacharia's roots' Thumbnail of the map 'Direct from the 9th circle of hell' Thumbnail of the map 'On the "plane" of existence'
The path home when drunk T-r-i-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-e-e Zacharia's roots Direct from the 9th circle of hell On the "plane" of existence


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You even admitted it at school that you suck at making large outdoor maps so you didnt/dont want to make big/large outdoor maps.
No point of lieing, i got their back covered.

I used your tileset

look at