disorientation (resubmit)

Thumbnail of the map 'disorientation (resubmit)'

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Author the_snake
Tags action author:the_snake playable rated
Created 2006-06-15
Last Modified 2006-06-15
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description ok, i put in the N (!! i can't believe i forgot him) and i stuck a design on the sides to brighten it up a bit.

as before - watch out for the rockets and gausses... have fun!

EDIT: it's actually quite hard... lets see some demo's :P

Other maps by this author

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cannonball disorientation


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it is possible

but very hard and not fun at all.
i think it would be better with only one or two gaussses or rockets. i'll try to complete it later.


to make a demo...

1) go into debug mode.
2) press 1, which is the start recording demo button
3) press p (play) and play you demo.
4) go back to debug mode.
5) your demo is in the demo box, select it and post it.

if you want to view the demo

1) go to debug mode.
2) put the demo in the demo box.
3) press "3" (load demo)
4) press "q" (play demo)
5) press "p" (play)
6) watch the demo.

i hope that helps on your demo problems


gave it a 4.5/5 - great map :P


gave it a 4.5/5 - great map :P

3,5 ^^

and i found ur old maps better :(
vie gotten a few farther, but this is fast, and that rocket was supposed to hit that wall...i hate those glitches...rockets can touch walls without dying...
Demo Data

very nice

great level. 4.5/5

i can...

get to the 4th key...

lol but i suck so it's gotta be possible


call me a n00b but my demo's never work properly

i can't

i suck at n! lol

its possible though i think... i've got a fair way thru


lets see YOU finish it...