
Thumbnail of the map 'Mine'

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Author 15
Tags author:15 playable race rated
Created 2006-06-12
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description N was mining underground. Suddenly, there was a cave-in and his pickaxe was on the other side. N sighed. "I guess I'll have to go the long way!"

This is my first map, please don't rate easy because it's my first- a map is a map is a map and doesn't deserve a higher rating because it is somebody's first. Please rate, comment, and demo. Also, I need tips on how to imiprove my maps. Thanks.

PS- This map is very easy.


Pages: (0)

there, a 4

Back to where it belongs. ;) great first map man!
ill give it a 4.5, better than any race i could do


i didn't expect so many ratings and comments. thanks to everyone who rated and commented. it seems it was liked relatively well, so i may make a sequel


I quite like it, it's nice and easy, which suits me, and it flows well. I give it a 4.

not bad

for a first, 4.5 to conteract the sniper


who sniped it!!!


thanks to all for the feedback. greatly appreciated!


try not to make it so long. because if you get near to the end and you die its abit off putting to haave to start again. really fun though


any tips on how i could improve?


it's okay. nice start 3.5/5

really funny 4,5/5

Demo Data


btw, I have two maps at the bottom of my first map page that have one more vote each to be publicy rated, I would appreciate it if u could help! thx!

nice flow.

congrats on a good first. nothing special to be honest, but a great start. 3.5/5.