Father Russia

Thumbnail of the map 'Father Russia'

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Author joem
Tags author:joem playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-06-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Puzzlingly Puzzley, well, slightly. One of those maps people would think was really spectacular, if it were spectacular. Sorry for the mismatch of one-ways and mines, it was entirely incidental.

Other maps by this author

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Tileset cetera Propaganda Phototropism Blue Piccadilly Tablature Up the water spout.


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Stupid mistake, but this comp is a bit slow so it's certainly understandable. I could have gotten the rest fairly easily with little risk. Note that the gold by the switch cannot be reliably hit without dying, thus I skipped it.
Demo Data


Flyboy: The idea is that the level would fit into an episode in the game, therefore completion is rather easy, but the gold is much harder, especially all of it.

Good level. 4.5!

No gold demo. :P
This is the kind of puzzle that I like.
Not too hard, not too easy.
Demo Data

Very easy

not all gold, but quick completion. I expected this to be much harder. 3.5
Demo Data


Very good level 4,5/5