
Thumbnail of the map 'Spiral'

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Author deflec
Tags action author:deflec playable rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Difficulty:Hard
The atart is VERY easy.That what comes after that isn't that easy. For me it is HARD.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Missile dodging' Thumbnail of the map 'Ogre stairs(version 2)' Thumbnail of the map 'Floor run' Thumbnail of the map 'Slider' Thumbnail of the map 'Freeb' Thumbnail of the map 'Death Hole'
Missile dodging Ogre stairs(version 2) Floor run Slider Freeb Death Hole


Pages: (0)


all the way to the end.
Demo Data


Nice, nice... I like this map. I hate the jump pads at the beginning, they're unneccesary, and it makes for a lot of redundancy. The floor guards up top are unneccesarily hard, even though I got 'em on my first try, every try after that, I died. The last column is too easy, you can just drop in between the thwumps, wall jump to the left, and fall onto the exit. Oh, and there's a mine outside the border.


I'd like to see someone beat this. I don't like the way the top floor sweepers knock me out no matter how hard I try.
Demo Data


Your trick doesn't exactly work for demos. And the point of making maps is to make them fun to play through completely (several times if that is what it takes to beat them).


You can start playing where ever you want by pressing enter after you have died so you don't have to go through the beginning again.


I had a long comment that just got blown away, so I'll make it short this time. The beginning is pointlessly easy, but you still have to through it every time that you die trying to do the MUCH more difficult later parts. This is a bad design for that reason. Look for balancing your difficulty. The bottom part is especially nice, in my opinion, as it has very good use of enemies (they work together well).