
Thumbnail of the map 'dda1'

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Author VOODOO2
Tags author:voodoo2 dda rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-12
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description i am new at this so please give advice on the map


Pages: (0)


Flowed well. You oviously spent a lot of time on this level. "wink" "wink".


kinda slow and if u add like a rocket to it then it would be better. 3/5

Very solid 3

Personally, I think a DDA should fill up all used space, but that's just a personal (and technical) preference. It shows that you're willing to go the extra mile. I'm sure you could have used some more of that space up for cool stuff.

But as a first attempt it's very promising. Keep it up :)

very nice

i like your style... it flowed well and everything.. 4/5 ofr the lack of any enemies, still very very nice