launchpad paradise

Thumbnail of the map 'launchpad paradise'

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Author crusader901
Tags author:crusader901 dda unrated
Created 2006-05-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description tons of launchpads. my first map. plz rate and give suggestions.


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well... this is not a very good DDA but it is your first... try to use other forms of propolsion such as trapdoors, thwumps, and bounceblocks. AND PUT MORE ENEMIES IN! there were only three thwumps as enemys (the two thwumps at beginning and the rockets dont count}. I wont rate it to be nice but if I did, I would give this a .5 normally, or a 2 since your new.


my next one i will use under 5 jumppads.


um.. im not good with maps that don't use jumppads as much so... the switch i added for the randomness. and to get confused remarks ;) i tried in the begginning but i repeatedly died at the end while waiting for the thwump that pushes me off the ledge at the end so i made it like that. the long strings of launchpads at the top are a great form of transportation my friend invented and called 'bullet airways' (dont ask me...please! ive had people that saw my map ask repeatedly) i was also thnking of covering the map in gold so you saw where n went but that would have taken too long to make and load.

why is there

a switch that unlocks the rockets right at the ending

because whats the point

why is there

a switch that unlocks the rockets right at the ending

because whats the point


I liked it. Good for a first try. It was pretty slow paced, though. Of course, don't make it so fast that you cant tell what is goin on. Also, get rid of the jump pads that dont do anything. I'm fairly new, too.


Launchpads are bad in DDA's. If there are a few its okay, but that many is just... *shutter* Im not much of a DDA fan so I wont rate this (If I did it would get a .5). Welcome to NUMA.