
Thumbnail of the map '69.69.69'

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Author ShObBy
Tags author:shobby dda rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-03
Last Modified 2004-12-03
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description first DDA... wish u like it... even if it`s a little short.
but plz play the map more then 1 time `cause sometime works sometime doesn`t dunno why , it worked for me

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yes I`m sure

this wasn`t my first map , but it was my first DDA , i`ve made many many maps on my comp.but I taught they`re bad :P
nice to see u liked it:)
That was pretty good. Not just good for a first try, good. The missile close call 5 seconds in told me right away that this was not your typical beginner DDA. There were a few unnecessary objects, and one of the jump pads you go over could also have been done away with (it never activated because you put so much gold on it, but yet you didn't remove it). But aside from that, its good, and I liked the presence of special techniques.

v.v. good

the thing I always like about DDA's is that they're usually very hard to try and play normally

Great job!

Chainguns are what make it unreliable (worked for me, however). They can be a bit unpredictable for use in DDA's.

Good lord...

Yeah, that was short, but jesus, that was awesome. Great job, man... I could criticize, but I think it was great.