Part II: Mormon Persecution

Thumbnail of the map 'Part II: Mormon Persecution'

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Author BuddyLee
Tags author:buddylee playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-05-08
Last Modified 2006-05-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The second map in the 'Mormon Series' by BuddyLee and BigWillyStyle.
Part I (Mormon Masquerade):

You are a Mormon, trying to get to God through Joseph Smith, but are faced with some persecution along the way. Bypass the Devil Incarnates and you may reach the heavens!!

Build Time: 2.5 hours

Other maps by this author

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Pages: (0)

ok well

here's a (near) completion demo.
Demo Data


I didn't make it to heaven...