Dance, It Prevents Cancer

Thumbnail of the map 'Dance, It Prevents Cancer'

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Author MyAStrONewt79
Tags action author:myastronewt79 playable unrated
Created 2006-05-07
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Some think there is a dirty secret behind this map but I just don't see it.

Other maps by this author

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Let's Turn Forever You And Me Fly Car, Fly Away Flying Crosses Explode Floating Trains Are Loud OMG Turtles Oh That Crazy Dancing Bush


Pages: (0)

Well done.

This is a great level. Love the lay out of door switches.


Demo Data

very fancy

i beat it really....i just dont want to put the demo data there because i dont feel like it


This happened to me... I made a great rocket map with a hidden image that I SWEAR I did not mean to have in there... nice level... a 4.5/5.