ALIEN Invasion

Thumbnail of the map 'ALIEN Invasion'

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Author Alkorionator
Tags author:alkorionator n-art unrated
Created 2006-04-30
Last Modified 2006-04-30
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is a combination of N-Art and action. I thought that would be cool if they had that as a catagory where it was a picture and you could play it. So here it is. The picture in this one is an alien UFO about to land. Enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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The Punisher' Punishment X-wing The Wizard's cloud The Glitch The Snakes of Serpintine ALIEN Invasion


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cause its sorda gay(the glitch)


its a glitch, if you load it on then you will see it's fine

you dumb


take out the "i"

in the last comment

you edited

i see but now u have i sideways thwump