
Thumbnail of the map 'iNtermission'

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Tags action author:palemoon playable unrated
Created 2006-04-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i'd like to thank McP3k and brocerius for giving me continued support throughout my career so far on numa. this map's for joo. enjoy :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shrubbery Theives' Thumbnail of the map 'Storm Eye' Thumbnail of the map 'Botanical Gardens' Thumbnail of the map 'ASMB' Thumbnail of the map 'Akzurai' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Engine'
Shrubbery Theives Storm Eye Botanical Gardens ASMB Akzurai Dragon Engine


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Awsome level!

Thanks! The drones were awsome; the way they all arrive at the bottom just when your trying to get to the portal. The launchpads were great; beautifully positioned to help and hinder at the same time. This is definatly one of your best. Thanks so much.

Oh and "constant support" makes us sound like psychiatrists or something :D Love it.

Demo Data


you lazy ass


best dedication ive ever gotten....
and its the second not to say "fuck you" in it....
5/5 and favd

The gameplay was just so much fun...i LOVED, the launchpad effect. Oh, and bottom left gold is messed up, fix it...


those extra 3 zeros are hell to type :/

who's McP3k????
